Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Motion to Investigate Highlands Covered Play Area Approved!

At the North Vancouver School Board Public Meeting, the motion regarding covered areas was brought forward. We are happy to report that, while the motion was amended to later dates, it was approved!  

Approved Motion: 

“That the North Vancouver Board of education investigate the complete costs of constructing a Covered Play Area at Highlands Elementary School during the months of July and August 2012, and that two options be presented to the Board for approval at its April November 2012 Board meeting”. 

We hope to see some viable and timely options put forth, and approved, at the November 2012 board meeting!

In the meantime, the NVSD will look into the potential request to the Ministry of Education to access a portion of the surplus funds, resulting from the Highlands Build coming in $700,000 under budget, to fund the covered area.

Some Trustees and NVSD staff also talked of the need to create a policy regarding covered play areas. This could potentially prove to be a positive for all North Vancouver students as more schools are slated to be built and renovated.