Nov. 2014 update: At Highland’s, we have even been trying to get
approval from the NVSD to install a retractable awning with a wind sensor,
which automatically retracts if wind is a potential hazard. We have offered to pay for it (or most of it) ourselves and we have been met with resistance from the school district. We have
communicated that we are open to any other suggestions for any other feasible
solutions, and that we would love to have a meeting/more thorough conversation,
one that will lead to a resolution. Clearly, we need the cooperation from the
school district towards finding solutions that meet their approval.
Covered Area Committee Notes regarding the covered play area location options:
- Ideally, the total covered area space could be separated into two separate areas – one for primary, one for intermediate students”. We have learned from many schools that this is important as the students want that separation.
- Locating close to the school is ideal so that students don’t get soaked walking to and from the covered area. And we feel that it is more likely to be used if closer to the school.
- Locating against (or nearly touching) school walls is ideal as it allows for more dry space (blocking directional rain/wind) and it allows for ball games against the wall, or simply leaning against the wall if desired. If considering a free standing covered area, away from the building walls, perhaps partial walls or slatted walls (to allow visibility) could be added on one or two sides of the structure(s) to help block the wind/rain.
- A level, concrete surface would be ideal, with perhaps “Four Square” and/or “Hopscotch” painted on.
For latest Update (option 1 approved but NVSD will not fund) click here
Note: some options that are not listed below, including using the rear wall of the school, have been ruled out for various reasons (i.e. future expansion location, limited visibility, directional rain/wind consideration, serving all ages, size of structure required, proximity to building, etc.).
Listed in order of our preference (for recommendation):
Update Note:
after meeting in January and upon further review of the options, we still have
Option #3 listed as our first recommendation, but we have moved Option #1 to
our second recommendation and Option #2 to the third for the following reasons:
- Option 1 looks good too. The shelters are quite significant in size (775 Sq. ft. each, or nearly 40’x 20’) so combined they are close to having one larger covered area, there are two of them (which is nice for spreading out different age groups), they are located fairly close to the school, and one may be close enough to the planter so that kids can kick balls against the planter. We provided a suggestion of adding concrete blocks/seating to the pillars to add a little more options within them. We recommend physically looking at the options, with measuring tape in hand, to get a good sense of them.
- Our Principals report that they, and the teachers, prefer this option and we feel that there have been indicators that the NVSD supports this option too. We felt that if we weren't open to this option, we may hinder our chances at any covered areas.
- Option 2 would extend the only area where this is a little bit of cover. We, along with Highlands’s staff, felt that a second location would serve more students. Also, there are more concerns regarding Option 2 that would have to be addressed.
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Location: Along the south wall, located between just past the staff room windows to just before the library windows (approximately 56’). Please note that it does not cover the staff room or library windows at all. For the width, it could stop at the planter which would be approx. 23’ from the roof line (24’ from the wall). This is a well exposed area. Both sides are nicely separated by pillars, before the windows.
Notes: Highly visible location, a location where children already play ball games, hopscotch, etc. (and they could continue to play them against the wall there). Would be up against the wall of the school so more a part of the school (which may be more inviting for the students). There are no classroom windows within it, it encloses exit doors (we feel there is still lots of space around the clearing for those doors), it's separated by pillars between the staff room and library (creating extra privacy/separation from windows), it would help with concerns over one play area not being enough as some children can be in the covered play area, and some can stand further east, near the school wall under the sunshade.
Description: Option 1 - instead of one large covered area nearly attached to the building, this option is separated into two 12 metres x 6 metres (approx 40' x 20') freestanding "umbrella" like structures built over concrete slabs between the building and the field.
Location: Located on the south side of the school, on the edge of the gravel playing field (& on the field side of the planters).
Notes: Highly visable location, the structures are quite large and there are two of them (so could serve more groups of kids). They are close to the school (just on the other side of the planters) which is preferable to being out in the field. The lack of a wall makes for less dry space when you consider directional wind/rain. However, the large size helps and one of them may be close enough to the planter to kick a ball against it. We have suggested adding a concrete "seat"/block around the pillars or a concrete partial-wall/bench to add more appeal to the kids giving them something to climb on or stand on; a little more than just standing space. Would also help with concerns over one play area not being enough as some children can be in the covered areas, and some can stand further east, near the school wall under the sunshade. The structures could also serve as shelters for teams and parents using the sports field on evenings and weekends.
View Option 1 in more detail (PDF) >
View Option 1 with suggested concrete seating (PDF) >
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Description: Option 1 - instead of one large covered area nearly attached to the building, this option is separated into two 12 metres x 6 metres (approx 40' x 20') freestanding "umbrella" like structures built over concrete slabs between the building and the field.
Location: Located on the south side of the school, on the edge of the gravel playing field (& on the field side of the planters).
Notes: Highly visable location, the structures are quite large and there are two of them (so could serve more groups of kids). They are close to the school (just on the other side of the planters) which is preferable to being out in the field. The lack of a wall makes for less dry space when you consider directional wind/rain. However, the large size helps and one of them may be close enough to the planter to kick a ball against it. We have suggested adding a concrete "seat"/block around the pillars or a concrete partial-wall/bench to add more appeal to the kids giving them something to climb on or stand on; a little more than just standing space. Would also help with concerns over one play area not being enough as some children can be in the covered areas, and some can stand further east, near the school wall under the sunshade. The structures could also serve as shelters for teams and parents using the sports field on evenings and weekends.
View Option 1 in more detail (PDF) >
View Option 1 with suggested concrete seating (PDF) >
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Location: Along the south wall towards the East end of the school.