of Highlands Covered Area Committee & HPAC and Highlands Principals
met with the NVSD Finance & Facilities Dept. on Jan. 15th to
discuss the covered area options. We discussed the pros and cons of the three
options (see “Highlands-Options” ). The meeting concluded
with the NVSD committing to further consideration of options #1 and #3 and they
will either choose their preferred option or if they deem both options to be
considerations; we have offered to poll parents/teachers/students for their
preference. They said that they will also look further into funding options.
The $700,000 surplus resulting from the Highland’s build coming in under-budget
has been spent by the NVSD on other projects, so they are looking into other
funding options (and our HPAC will likely be required to contribute as well).
They will get back to us mid-February regarding the option(s) and
funding. Things are looking promising!
Additionally, as stated at the Nov
2012 NVSD public boarding meeting, the board voted to “forward the issue of
covered area projects to the Policy Review Committee for the development of
policy and to the Presidents’ Council for future advocacy”. We will update this
web-blog when we receive any information as to how that is progressing.