Update: Following up from the last post, we have
obtained the “Administrative Procedures” that were created by the North
Vancouver School District to guide the “Outdoor Learning Spaces” policy, approved in May 2013 (these procedures have not been publicly posted on the North Vancouver School District website
yet). The procedures turned out to be essentially the process and forms one
would use to add an outdoor “feature” such as a garden, to their school. Sadly, the procedures still
do not address covered areas specifically (as covered areas are not “features”
like the others listed in that policy, rather they are functional building
components and they can be funded within a school build budget), nor do they
address the two questions that we have been asking the North Vancouver School Board for years now:
Given North Vancouver’s rain forest climate, and given the fact North
Vancouver schools have had covered areas for as long as most can remember (and
there has not been any formal or public input into any decisions to take them
away), and given the fact that students go outside one to three times during the school
day, and finally, given the fact that North Vancouver’s high annual precipitation levels
qualify for Ministry of Education funding of covered areas within school build
- Will the North Vancouver School Board make a public commitment to ensure that covered areas are included in future builds and renovations? And if “no”, why not?
- Will the North Vancouver School Board make a public commitment toward finding and funding (or substantially funding, along with some reasonable/feasible assistance from PACs) solutions for the schools that had their covered areas omitted or dismantled? And if “no”, why not?